Retirement Relocation: How to Make Your New House Feel Like Home in a Jiffy

Retirement Relocation: How to Make Your New House Feel Like Home in a Jiffy

Congratulations on your recent retirement! Now that you’ve made the decision to move into a new space, it’s time to make it feel as homey as possible — and the quicker, the better. Here are a few ideas on how to make your new house feel like a home ASAP.

Make necessary repairs and clean

New homes will always come with a few necessary repairs and usually need a good cleaning. Some tasks you’ll be able to do on your own, others will require the help of a professional. If you’re particularly handy, here are a few repairs you can make on your own:

  • Un-sticking doors and windows
  • Stopping water leaks
  • Fixing stripped screw holes
  • Repairing curtain rod anchors

Cleaning is another task you’ll want to get done and you may need to leave it to the professionals depending on your abilities. Work room by room, starting with your bedroom and bathroom. These are the two areas you’ll be spending the most time in during your transition, so the sooner you can get them clean and ready, the better.

Next, tackle the kitchen and dining space. Even if you’ve brought your own refrigerator and know it’s clean, go ahead and give it a scrubbing anyway. Counters, cabinets, and shelving should all be dusted and wiped down. As you move into the dining area, give it a good vacuum and set up the table as soon as you can.

Decorate on a budget

One of the best parts of a new home is that you can completely redecorate. The downside is that you probably spent a good amount of your money on purchasing the house and the move itself. Fortunately, according to The Zhush, there are still ways to accent. Start by using what you own — rearrange things. Put décor in different rooms than they were in at the last house, rearrange furniture, or pull stuff from storage that would look good in the new place.

The walls are another impactful way to make your house a home. Paint it a new, fresh color that creates a relaxing atmosphere. Or choose wallpaper to add an elegant touch. Peel-and-stick wallpaper isn’t just easy to place and readjust, it’s easily removed if you decide you don’t like it down the road. It will also add some texture, which takes away that foreign feeling and gives the room a homier atmosphere.

Personalize your space with photos

There’s nothing like photos of loved ones to make a space feel like it’s yours. If you’re still in the process of moving in, they may not be ready for final placement, only planning. Still, get them out so you can see the smiling faces of your friends and family throughout the process.

Tables and shelves are typically pretty straightforward when it comes to displaying pictures, so focus on the walls. Sketch out ideas of how you want it to look. Do you want something classic like even rows and columns? What about getting creative and making a shape or staggering photos in an interesting pattern? You can use different styles for different rooms or keep things consistent throughout the house. Once you get those photos hung, you’ll be surprised at how much cozier the place feels.

Consider home insurance

You’ve made repairs, decorated, and personalized your home. Now it’s time to think about protecting your home. Home insurance policies typically cover the structure of the home, as well as the contents. In some cases, they may also provide liability coverage in the event that someone is injured on the property. Those who do not have adequate home insurance coverage may be at risk of losing everything they have invested in their home in the event of damage or destruction. If you’re looking for homeowners insurance, how much you pay for home insurance will be influenced by your claims history, location, age and condition of your home, and how you structure your insurance policy.

Unpack the most-used spaces first

The first rule of unpacking: don’t procrastinate. Start with the rooms you’re in the most day-to-day to make it feel more satisfying than tedious. Again, your bedroom and bathroom are excellent places to start. Start with the pieces you love most; your decorative bed pillows might seem trivial to others, but for you, they may make your bedroom feel tied together. Take out what makes you smile and feel at home.

If you start to feel overwhelmed, particularly if you’re trying to downsize your belongings at the same time, take a methodical approach. You don’t have to do everything at once, but the sooner you’re settled in, the sooner your surroundings will feel like home. Dedicate a certain amount of time each day to unpacking and have a plan to organize as you go. 

Retirement is a fresh start, especially if you’ve moved. By making repairs, decorating, personalizing, investing in home insurance, and unpacking smartly, your new house will feel like home in no time.

On the other hand, if you are looking to buy or sell a home then connect with Realty With Rich today – (833) 422-SELL. Request a free, no-obligation consultation! 

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