Moving to a New State: A Quick Guide for a Big Decision

Moving to a New State: A Quick Guide for a Big Decision

Moving to a new state is a big deal for your entire family. There are many moving parts that must work together just right to ensure a seamless transition. It’s not always easy, but, sometimes, a change of scenery is exactly what you need to live your best life.

Realty With Rich welcomes you to Florida with today’s post that can help you make the most out of your decision to relocate out of state.

A Fresh Start

If you’re moving to a new location because you’ve lost a job, you may be in a perfect position to start a new career or even your own business. If you go the entrepreneurship route, make sure that you write a business plan. A guide on starting a business has more information on how to do just that as well as insight on how to write up other details, such as your business structure, financial matters, and marketing plan.

When you plan to change jobs, spend some time in your preferred new city ahead of the move. While you can typically interview over Zoom, it never hurts to visit in person to get a better feel for company culture. Even though you must work to support yourself, culture is crucial in a professional environment as it leads to job satisfaction and lower turnover.

Buying A Home

If you’re moving to Florida to save money, great. It’s considered one of the top 20 states to live in the US, though it’s 16th on expenses, according to Importantly, you’ll have access to affordable housing throughout much of the state. One thing that does set Florida apart from other states is its low taxes—there’s no personal income tax.

In addition to living outside of the city center, you can save money on buying an older home. There are plenty of advantages to this, but it might come with additional expenses, some of which can be offset with a home warranty. This is a financial product that goes above home insurance (home insurance only covers theft, injuries, and structural damage, in most cases). When you are comparing home warranties, look for a product that can be renewable every year and covers things like your plumbing system, HVAC, and electrical system. This can be beneficial when buying an older home as these systems are more prone to break down than those in new construction. As your browsing reviews and policy terms, check to see that your preferred plan covers appliance repairs as well.

Most importantly, make sure that you get prequalified for a mortgage. Talk to your realtor and lending agent about credit requirements how much house you can afford, and how much you’ll need as a down payment to get into a comfortable property with a payment you can afford.

Making A House A Home

Once you have moved, it’s time to make your space as cozy and comfortable as possible. This does not mean the same thing to everyone, and you may have to get creative to give yourself exactly what you need. When you’re on a tight budget, try out wallpaper, which can be less expensive than painting, particularly if the walls are dark and will need primer and several coats to cover them. Wallpaper is easy to customize, and you can order a custom design that’s printed on demand. You can even use peel and stick wallpaper if you’re renting as it won’t leave behind glue or other residue that might jeopardize your security deposit. Other ideas here include changing out the light fixtures, installing ambient lighting, and putting an awning over the patio for an outdoor retreat.

Medical Matters

A big move means having to change healthcare providers, which often is not a simple matter. Following a move may be a good time to explore the ease of online doctor services. Making an appointment with a doctor online via a telemedicine platform eliminates the travel and waiting that accompanies a traditional office visit. Instead, you can speak with a licensed physician from the privacy and comfort of your home and can pick up any prescriptions from your local pharmacy. This convenience makes finding a doctor easier when you’re getting settled in a new area.

Meet And Greet

No matter where you choose to move, and whether you are buying or renting, something else you can do to get settled and comfortable in your new environment is to get to know the neighbors. Facebook makes that easy with plenty of neighborhood Facebook pages and, depending on where you live, a dedicated neighborhood page through Facebook Neighborhoods. Search Engine Journal explains that this app not only lets you connect with new people but also ask for suggestions and recommendations.

Moving to a new state is a big decision for you and your family. While no single blog post can possibly hope to cover everything that you will encounter, we hope the information above helps. From getting your budding business off the ground to decorating your space, every step you take brings you closer to turning your new house into a home.

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