Selling a House with a Tenant in Place

Selling your house requires extra considerations when it’s rented. A sitting tenant retains the right to continue living in the house after the sale for the remainder of their lease.  Tenant rights may also make showing the home more challenging even if they are cooperative. Consider the following as you move forward with the sale. Notify […]

Six Ways to Avoid Foreclosure

There are few things more disheartening than losing a home to foreclosure. It occurs when a homeowner has failed to make payments to their mortgage lender. The lender will seize the property and then sell it to a new buyer to make up for their loss. Foreclosure will negatively impact the homeowner’s credit report for […]

Save It Or Sell It

Structural distress is a situation where a physical property is rendered strucdturally unsafe and offen inhabitable as a result of some unforseen issues affecting  its structure.  Even though the building is made with the proper materials and the requisite standards of workmanship, signs of disrtess may surface overtime. In some cases, the homeowner might want to […]

Sell or Rent Your Home…that is the Question.

The average American will stay in their home approximately ten years before moving for one reason or another. If you are currently a first-time buyer and living in a condo or smaller single-family residence, the life span will likely be even shorter. Conversely, if you’re facing retirement age, downsizing may be looming on the horizon. […]

You’ve Inherited a House…What’s Next?

Understanding the “ins and outs” of inheriting a house and addressing the tough financial and emotional decisions as to what to do with the home can be daunting. This blog will help explain what happens after you inherit a home and help you travers three primary responsibilities every heir will face if the estate has […]

Should I File Bankruptcy Before Or After My Divorce?

Should I File Bankruptcy Before Or After My Divorce? Getting divorced is a stressful process that can become even more arduous if accompanied by financial problems. Since divorce is one of the leading causes of financial ruin, it’s smart to consider your bankruptcy options before and after a divorce. Let’s take a look at some […]

You Can Bank On It

In the interest of property redevelopment, a private money loan is a loan that is given to a real estate investor, secured by real estate. Private money lenders are given a first or second mortgage that secures their legal interest in the property and secures their contribution. When a developer has isolated a home that […]

Selling Your Home to a Cash Buyer Has Many Benefits

Everyone hates to move, especially when you factor in all the frustrations that come with trying to sell your home. It takes time to hire a realtor, and deal with the people wandering through your home while you are out. Not to mention having to remove your pets for every showing. If you want to […]

How to Survive Foreclosure!

People are losing their homes every day to foreclosure, despite the fact the real estate collapse was over a decade ago. Most often it’s due to the loss of employment, over spending, divorce, or even exorbitant medical bills. Most Homeowners Are Devastated  Other than the loss of a loved one, losing your home can be […]

Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime

Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investment strategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound […]