Your No-Fuss, Pain-Free Guide to Downsizing as a Senior

Your No-Fuss, Pain-Free Guide to Downsizing as a Senior

You knew the day would come when you must downsize and transition to a more senior-friendly living situation, but there is no way the knowledge could have prepared you for the emotionally trying and complicated process that downsizing is. As you prepare to move — whether to be closer to loved ones for lifestyle reasons or simply to cut costs — you must not only let go of your family home but also much of what it contains. When so many of your possessions have memories attached to them, letting go is easier said than done. 

That’s why Realty With Rich has assembled some tips to help ease the pain and stress of downsizing and better position yourself for a golden retirement.

Start Early and Start Small

If you know that the process of organizing and decluttering is going to be painful, start the process early. The last thing you want is to have to sort through a lifetime of items and memories in a single weekend. Experts suggest giving yourself at least a month, though more if you can, and recommend starting small. Though you may be tempted to tackle the big-ticket items first, such as your garage and basement, you should start in rooms that likely hold little sentimental value, such as bathrooms or laundry rooms. A few other good tips are to eliminate rooms you won’t have in your new home, get rid of duplicates and reduce collections that you keep in storage.

Separate the Sentimental From the Not

Once you make your way into living spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, and dens, it’s time to ask yourself the important questions. Which items hold emotional value, and which would be better served with a friend, family member, or neighbor? Be choosy in this process, as you can likely take a few items with you.

Find a Home and Create a Floor Plan

This step may have to come first, depending on the urgency of your move. If it doesn’t, start looking for senior living communities in the early stages of your decluttering process. If you know the dimensions and layout of your new home early on, then you can more strategically decide what you keep and what to get rid of.

Because your new home is where you will spend your golden years, you want to be diligent in your search. Understand what type of level and care you need and compare it to what services local communities offer. Decide what amenities are important to you, look into enrichment activities, and consider proximity to loved ones. Also, consider hiring a senior living advisor to help with the process.

What type of home you move into will invariably depend on your current needs. For example, if you require round-the-clock care for a serious health issue, then a skilled nursing facility will be a better fit. Before choosing a nursing home, explore facilities in your desired location and research the latest costs and payment options.

Determine What To Do With Your Family Home

If you plan to pass down your family home to your children, consult an attorney, gifting the home or leaving it in a trust may be a good option. If you plan to sell the home, work with a realtor who understands how to garner the most interest and yield the largest return. For instance, though it may seem trivial, there are better days than others to list a home. 

Downsizing can initially be overwhelming, but it’s well worth it. Once you downsize, you can move into your golden years with a lightened load and the ability to focus on your health and happiness rather than stuff.

Realty With Rich is the area’s premier real estate brokerage, and since our inception we have helped homeowners and improved communities in each and every city we work in. Call 833-442-SELL.

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